NOS GM Key Blanks

All blanks listed in the table below have the knockout plug in place and are guaranteed to be NOS, not reproductions. The prices listed are for blanks that are to be cut by me (I can arrange for code stamping at an additional charge). Some of these blanks are becoming quite rare and my supply of NOS blanks is limited. I do not sell NOS blanks that will not be cut by me and code stamped.

An important note about reproduction key blanks: Reproduction key blanks for 1953 through 1968 Corvettes are sold by all of the Corvette catalog companies. While you might be tempted to buy reproduction blanks, I caution you against it. I have closely examined the reproduction blanks and I can tell you they are slightly, dimensional different from original GM blanks. The slight differences in the keyway grooves are such that the repro keys do not always work properly in Corvette locks, especially ignition and door locks.

If you are looking for a spare set of GM key blanks that do not have the knockouts present, the cost is $4 per blank.


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 1953 thru December 1962
 ’53-’63 Key (octagonal) with no “R”  $30.00
 January 1963 thru end of 1966 Model Year
 ’63-’66 Primary key (octagonal) with “R”  $25.00
 ’65-’66 Secondary key (pear-shaped) with “R”  $25.00
 1967 Model Year
 ’67 A keyway; primary key (octagonal)  $15.00
 ’67 B keyway; secondary key (pear-shaped)  $15.00
 1968 Model Year
 ’68 C keyway; primary key (octagonal)  $15.00
 ’68 D keyway; secondary key (pear-shaped)  $15.00
 1969-1982 Large Head Key Blanks
 ’69, ’73, ’77, ’81 E keyway; primary key; rectangular head  $12.50
 ’69, ’73, ’77, ’81 H keyway; secondary key; oval head  $12.50
 ’70, ’74, ’78, ’82 J keyway; primary key; rectangular head  $12.50
 ’70, ’74, ’78, ’82 K keyway; secondary key; oval head  $12.50
 ’71, ’75, ’79 A keyway; primary key; rectangular head  $12.50
 ’71, ’75, ’79 B keyway; secondary key; oval head  $12.50
 ’72, ’76, ’80 C keyway; primary key; rectangular head  $12.50
 ’72, ’76, ’80 D keyway; secondary key; oval head  $12.50


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